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All props/parameters are optional unless they are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Flux is an architecture for managing data flow. Stores are objects that can hold state and logic. They are responsible for updating and retrieving data by triggering actions. The dispatcher is responsible for receiving these actions and directing them to the appropriate stores.


In the following example we will create a new store for mapping messages to users.

import { common } from "replugged";
const { fluxDispatcher: Dispatcher, flux: Flux } = common;

// Here are stored all our users and their messages
const userMessagesMap = new Map<string, Map<string, Message>>();

function handleMessageCreate(message: Message): void {
This function will be called only when a message is received,
so when the dispatcher received the MESSAGE_CREATE action type.
if (message.state === "SENDING") return;

const userId =;
const userMessages = userMessagesMap.get(userId) ?? new Map();

userMessages.set(, message);

userMessagesMap.set(userId, userMessages);

function handleMessagesClearRequest(userId: string): void {
if (userMessagesMap.has(userId)) {

class UserMessagesStore extends Flux.Store {
public getUserMessages(userId: string): Map<string, Message> {
// Function to get a user's messages from userMessagesMap
return userMessagesMap.get(userId) ?? new Map();

public clearUserMessages(userId: string): void {
// Function to delete a user from userMessagesMap

export default new UserMessagesStore(Dispatcher, {
MESSAGE_CREATE: (action) => {
return handleMessageCreate(action.message);
// This is a custom action type we created for this example. It will delete a specific map entry (userId).
return handleMessagesClearRequest(action.userId);

In this example, the action of deleting an entry from the map can be called with the Dispatcher. We recommend creating separate files that export actions:

import { common } from "replugged";
const { fluxDispatcher: Dispatcher } = common;

export default {
clearMessages(userId: string) {

Or with the appropriate function:


You can expose a store by setting its display name and the __getLocalVars function.

class UserMessagesStore extends Flux.Store {
public displayName: "UserMessagesStore";

// ...

public __getLocalVars(): Record<string, unknown> {
return { userMessagesMap };

export default new UserMessagesStore(Dispatcher, {
// ...

Now we can use this store in our React components. We can use hooks or a separate component connected to the store.

import { common } from "replugged";
const { flux: Flux } = common;

function UserMessages({ userId }: { userId: string }): React.ReactElement {
const userMessages = Flux.useStateFromStores(
() => {
return UserMessagesStore.getUserMessages(userId);

return (
{ => (
<Message message={message} />

export default UserMessages;


DeviceSettingsStorePersistedStoreClass for creating a DeviceSettingsStore
EmitterEmitterClass instance of the Emitter, that handles event listeners required for stores
initializedPromise<boolean | undefined>Whether a Flux store is initialized
OfflineCacheStorePersistedStoreClass for creating a OfflineCacheStore
PersistedStorePersistedStoreClass for creating a PersistedStore; useful for keeping store data saved in local storage
SnapshotStoreSnapshotStoreClass for creating a SnapshotStore; useful for managing snapshots of store data, for caching purposes
StoreStoreClass for creating a Flux store


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
connectStores* stores: Store[]
* callback: (props: OuterProps) => InnerProps
options: { forwardRef: boolean }
(component: ComponentType<InnerProps & OuterProps>) => ComponentClass<OuterProps>Connects a React component to Flux stores
destroyvoidDestroys all Flux store instances
initializevoidInitializes a Flux store
statesWillNeverBeEqual* a: T
* b: T
booleanUsed as a comparator for the useStateFromStores hook to indicate that states will never be equal
useStateFromStores* stores: Store[]
* callback: () => T
deps: DependencyList
compare: (a: T, b: T) => boolean
TCustom hook to keep a React component's state synchronized with the data retrieved from Flux stores
useStateFromStoresArray* stores: Store[]
* callback: () => T
deps: DependencyList
TuseStateFromStores hook but with a comparator made for arrays
useStateFromStoresObject* stores: Store[]
* callback: () => T
deps: DependencyList
TuseStateFromStores hook but with a comparator made for objects