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FormItem is a wrapper component that can be used to add a title and/or description to a component.


Any components whose name ends in Item already has a FormItem (or equivalent) wrapper. You should not use this on those components.


import { components } from "replugged";
const { FormItem } = components;

<FormItem title="Foo" note="This is a description">
{/* Your setting components here */}



The props of this component extend the attributes of the div element.

disabledbooleanfalseWhether the form is disabled
dividerbooleanfalseWhether a divider is displayed at the end of the form
errorReactNodeError message displayed
notestringDescription of what the form contains
noteClassNamestringNote class name
notePositionstringbeforeWhether the note is displayed before or after the children
noteStyleCSSPropertiesNote style
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the form completion is required
tagstringh5Define the form title tag
titleReactNodeForm title
titleClassNamestringTitle class name