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Getting Started


Themes are developed in CSS or SCSS. You should have a basic understanding of CSS before developing a theme.

You will also need to have Node.js, pnpm, and git installed on your computer, as well as a code editor (we recommend VSCode).

To use and test the theme, you will need to have Discord with Replugged installed.

Creating a theme

Our theme template has everything you need to develop and release your theme. It includes:

  • Sample theme (reverts the Discord font to Whitney)
  • Scripts to build and package your theme
  • GitHub actions to release your theme when you push a tag
  • VSCode workspace settings to format your code


  1. Create a copy of the template
  2. Clone your new repository and cd into it
  3. Install dependencies with pnpm install
  4. Build the theme with pnpm run build. This will compile the theme and install it in Replugged.
  5. In Replugged settings, go to the Themes tab and click "Load missing themes" to load the theme.

Do not clone your theme into the Replugged theme directory. Otherwise, the build script will delete the folder with your source code as it attempts to put the compiled theme in that same location, and you will lose any local changes.

Customizing your theme


See the manifest documentation for more information about the manifest file and some additional keys you can use.

The theme template has a manifest.json file which contains information about your theme. You should edit this file to include the theme information as well as your information.

The theme ID should be in reverse domain name notation. For example, if your website is and your theme is called my-theme, the theme ID should be com.example.MyTheme. If you don't have a website, you can make one up.


The theme ID cannot be changed once your theme is released. Choose wisely!

The version and updater info is used by Replugged to check for updates. The key should be changed to the username and repository of your theme. For example, the theme template is hosted at, so the is replugged-org/theme-template.


Make sure you update the key to your theme's repository. If you don't, Replugged will try to update your theme to the theme template. Your users will have to uninstall and reinstall your theme to fix this.


The theme template has a watch script which will watch for changes to your theme and automatically rebuild it. You can run it with pnpm run watch.

After it's initially installed, the watch/build scripts will automatically reload your theme in Discord when you make changes. If you don't want it to do this, you can use the --no-reload flag with your command to disable it.

Building, updating, and releasing

Release Tool

The theme template includes a release script which will take care of updating the version number, committing the changes, tagging the release, and pushing the tag to GitHub. You can run it with pnpm run release. It will prompt you for all the things it needs and will confirm with you before it pushes anything to GitHub.

Manual Instructions


Using the release tool above is recommended and easier and will work for most themes. However, if you need to or would prefer to do it manually, you can follow the instructions below.

  1. Update the version number in manifest.json. The version number doesn't need to follow any specific format, but does need to be changed in order for Replugged to detect an update.If this is your first release, you can leave it as 1.0.0.
  2. Commit your changes and push them to GitHub.
  3. Create a new tag with git tag v1.0.0 (replace 1.0.0 with your version number).

The tag does not necessarily need to be named the same as the version number (although we recommend doing that to make things simpler), but it must start with a v. The GitHub action will not run if the tag does not start with a v.

  1. Push the tag to GitHub with git push --tags.

The GitHub action will automatically build and package your theme and create a new release. The release will contain an .asar file which contains your theme. It should also contain a copy of your manifest file which is used by Replugged to check for updates.

Sharing your theme

Replugged Discord

In order to share your theme in our Discord server, your theme will first have to be approved, and then added to our store. For more information on this process and how to request approval, please see this page.

You can create a link to install your theme which will automatically open Replugged and prompt the user to confirm the installation. For example:

  • identifier - same as in the manifest
  • source - same as updater.source in the manifest. Currently, github and store are supported. If your theme is from the store, this can be omitted.
  • id - Same as id in the manifest. This is only needed if your update source is GitHub and your release contains multiple themes. Otherwise, Replugged will automatically detect the theme ID.

Button for GitHub readme

You can use your own markdown if you want, but we recommend using the following button:

[![Install in Replugged](](

Make sure to update the link with your theme's information.