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All props/parameters are optional unless they are marked with an asterisk ( * ).


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
getAllThreadsForParent* channelId: stringChannel[]Gets all fetched threads by its channel (parent) id
getBasicChannel* channelId: stringChannel | undefinedGets the basic channel by its id
getChannel* channelId: stringChannel | undefinedGets the channel by its id
getChannelIdguildId: string
fallbackToDefault: boolean
string | undefinedGets the current selected channel id
getChannelIdsguildId: stringstring[]Gets all channel ids
getCurrentlySelectedChannelIdguildId: stringstring | undefinedGets the current selected channel id
getDMFromUserId* userId: stringstring | undefinedGets the DM channel id by its user id
getDMUserIdsstring[]Gets all DM channel ids
getGuildChannelsVersion* guildId: stringnumberGets the channel version by guild id
getInitialOverlayStateRecord<string, Channel>Gets all guild and DM channels
getLastChannelFollowingDestinationLastChannelFollowingDestinationGets information on the last channel follow
getLastSelectedChannelIdguildId: stringstring | undefinedGets the last selected channel id
getLastSelectedChannels* guildId: stringstring | undefinedGets the last selected channel id by its guild id
getMostRecentSelectedTextChannelIdguildId: stringstring | nullGets the last selected text channel id by its guild id
getMutableBasicGuildChannelsForGuild* guildId: stringRecord<string, Channel>Gets all basic channels by its guild id
getMutableGuildChannelsForGuild* guildId: stringRecord<string, Channel>Gets all channels by its guild id
getMutablePrivateChannelsRecord<string, Channel>Gets all DM channels
getPrivateChannelsVersionnumberGets the DM channel version
getSortedPrivateChannelsChannel[]Gets all DM channels sorted by the last message
getVoiceChannelIdstring | nullGets the current voice channel id
hasChannel* channelId: stringbooleanChecks if the channel id is registered in the channel store
loadAllGuildAndPrivateChannelsFromDiskRecord<string, Channel>Gets all guild and DM channels



channelIdstringChannel id of the last followed channel
guildIdstringGuild id of the last followed channel