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All props/parameters are optional unless they are marked with an asterisk ( * ).


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
getCurrentGuildGuild | undefinedGets the currently selected guild object
getGuild* guildId: stringGuild | undefinedGets the guild by its id
getGuildCountnumberGets the number of how many guilds the current user is in
getGuildIdstring | nullGets the id of the currently selected guild
getGuildIdsstring[]Gets all guild ids
getGuildsRecord<string, Guild>Gets all guilds
getLastSelectedGuildIdstring | nullGets the last selected guild id
getLastSelectedTimestamp* guildId: stringnumberGets the timestamp of when a specific guild was last selected
getStateStateGets an object containing some information about guild selections
isLoadedbooleanGets a value indicating whether all initial guilds have been loaded



lastSelectedGuildIdstringLast selected guild id
selectedGuildIdstringCurrent selected guild id
selectedGuildTimestampMillisRecord<string, number>Object containing timestamps of when guilds were selected