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All props/parameters are optional unless they are marked with an asterisk ( * ).


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
filter* callback: (user: User) => User | boolean
sort: boolean
User[]Filters all users
findByTag* username: string
discriminator: string
User | undefinedGets the user by its username and discriminator
forEach* callback: (user: User) => voidvoidRuns a function on each user
getCommunicationDisabledUserMapRecord<string, string>Gets all guild member timeout (communication disabled) information
getCommunicationDisabledVersionnumberGets the communication disabled version
getCurrentUserUserGets the current user
getMember* guildId: string
* userId: string
GuildMember | nullGets the guild member by its id
getMemberIdsguildId: stringstring[]Gets all guild member ids
getMemberRoleWithPendingUpdates* guildId: string
* userId: string
string[]Gets all pending role updates a guild member has
getMembersguildId: stringGuildMember[]Gets all fetched members in a guild
getMemberVersionnumberGets the guild member store version
getMutableAllGuildsAndMembersRecord<string, Record<string, GuildMember>>Gets all guilds and its fetched members
getNickguildId: string
userId: string
string | nullGets the nickname a guild member has
getNicknameGuildsMapping* userId: stringRecord<string, string[]>Gets all nicknames a user has and in which guilds
getNicknames* userId: stringstring[]Gets all nicknames a user has
getPendingRoleUpdates* guildId: stringPendingRoleUpdateGets pending role updates of a guild
getSelfMember* guildId: stringGuildMember | nullGets the guild member of the current user
getTrueMember* guildId: string
* userId: string
GuildMember | nullGets the guild member by its id
getUser* userId: stringUser | undefinedGets the user by its id
getUsersRecord<string, User>Gets all users
getUserStoreVersionnumberGets the user store version
isCurrentUserGuestguildId: stringbooleanChecks if the current user is a guest of a guild
isGuestOrLurkerguildId: string
userId: string
booleanChecks if a user is a guest of a guild
isMemberguildId: string
userId: string
booleanChecks if a user is a member of a guild
memberOf* userId: stringstring[]Gets all mutual servers of a user



addedRecord<string, string[]>Contains a list of members with added roles
removedRecord<string, string[]>Contains a list of members with removed roles